Tencent has just released an official pc emulator for pubg mobile on the tencent gaming buddy platform. controls and graphics are adapted to mouse and keyboard use, but still don’t compare to. Pubg mobile is best played on the bluestacks gaming platform with its keymapping feature. you can choose to beat the hell out of competitors with pc like controls using bluestacks default kepmapping. or, if you like, you can map keys of your own choice to each control and get a completely. Pubg mobile official pubg on mobile. home; royale pass. royale pass season 9; royale pass season 8; royale pass season 7; royale pass season 6; royale pass season 5; royale pass season4; news. news; faqs; media; esports; events. privacy policy | tencent games user agreement..
Kabar gembira untuk kita semua, emulator pubgmobile official sudah dirilis oleh tencent dan harganya.. gratis loh! tencent merilis emulator ini untuk bermain pubg mobile pada platform pc, berbeda dengan versi pc yang sebelumnya telah dirilis pada steam.. Cara install pubg mobile di pc. 1. download emulator pubg mobile untuk laptop/pc melalui laman resmi. 2. setelah proses unduh selesai, silahkan install emulator tencent gamming buddy. 3. tahap selanjutnya yaitu mengunduh sekaligus meng-install pubg mobile pada emulator. 4. proses instalasi selesai. demikian panduan download dan install emulator. Pubg mobile emulator for windows 10: download; pubg mobile emulator for pc: first, you need to download the pubg mobile emulator for your windows 10, 8, 7 and xp. once the exe file is downloaded run it, click on the install button. it will take few minutes, once the pubg mobile emulator is installed. click on the start button..