Short essay on pubg mobile game addiction – essay 1 (200 words) several people around the world suffer from different kinds of addictions including drug addiction, mobile addiction and tv addiction to name a few. the latest to join the bandwagon is the pubg mobile game addiction and this one is proving to be the worst of all.. Actually, there are no “advantages” of playing any game .only one advantage is that it will make you feel fresh and make you happy.. but there are lot of disadvantages of playing it…. * it will cause eye problems. * when you get addict to the game.... The world online has exploded into battle royale madness, with the launch of a couple of huge games. one is fortnite and the other is playerunknown's battlegrounds, or pubg to its friends. we've.
Pubg online multiplayer game is playing all over the world and many people are strongly addicted to pubg. mainly the young generation is addicted to the pubg game. pubg is very bad for health due to pubg addition. here we discuss how pubg is bad for your health. also “ effect of the pubg game on your health, pubg side effects, pubg effects on the mind, pubg bad effects” are explained in. Playerunknown's battlegrounds is an online multiplayer battle royale game developed and published by pubg corporation, a subsidiary of south korean video gam.... However, pubg is not the kind of game which you’ll master or even understand in the first go. it has a number of layers which you figure out only after playing for a while. there are subtleties.