Epic games website status history the above graph displays service status activity for epicgames.com over the last 10 automatic checks. the blue bar displays the response time, which is better when smaller.. Loading.... Check your stats and leaderboards ranking for fortnite.
Epic releases $17,000,000 of paragon content for free epic games has released $17,000,000 of content from paragon, epic’s high-end action moba, for free to all unreal engine 4 developers. the assets, built at a cost of over $17,000,000, encompasses 39 aaa characters and over 1,500 environment components from paragon.. Status.epicgames.com receives about 0.36% of its total traffic. all this time it was owned by epic games inc. , it was hosted by atlassian network services inc. and amazon technologies inc. . while godaddy.com llc was its first registrar, now it is moved to markmonitor inc. ..